D3.js mapping tutorial 1: set up an initial webmap

This is the first digital-geography.com tutorial for setting up an initial webmap with D3.js-JavaScript library by Mike Bostock. I see two great advantages in mapping with D3.js. The first is its picture based map output as svg (or canvas), which doesn’t need an additional map-framework á la leaflet. The second good thing is, you can combine your project easily with thousands of D3.js-libary functions and other great web- and -styling techniques. In order to show “classic” webmaps with tiled baselayers, D3.js isn’t your choice – hopefully the current vector-tiles developments will make this also possible for D3.js-driven maps.

Nowadays webmaps are often based on a mixture of web-technology and vector data. Only satellite or aerial images are – of course – provided as raster data. Dealing with vector data in D3.js can be a bit tricky, but if we understand some basic JavaScript-implementations and concepts of data formats like GeoJson or TopoJson it’s learnable. If you haven’t any idea of JavaScript, I recommend you to learn the basics on codeacademy.org.

My first D3.js based webmap output.
This tutorial will show you, how to get your first D3.js based webmap output.

tutorial goals:

  • set up a simple webmap which contains worldwide continent shapes
  • set the right projection
  • styling all the base-data

used tools:

  • sublime text 3 (my favorite code editor although it’s not open source :p – look at Riccardos article to get more informations about that)
  • this tutorial is based on the codebase of d3noobs.com (see the full article) and a dataset from the “NaturalEarth project“, processed to TopoJson by Mike Bostock


  1. What the hell is D3.js?
  2. build a simple html-structure with embedded D3.js and TopoJson wordlshape
  3. implement continent shape data
  4. initial map-styling
  5. what’s next?

0. What the hell is D3.js?

It’s a JavaScript library for visualizing data in web-documents. In connection with HTML, SVG and CSS, D3.js allows you to create modern visualizations for any purposes (much more than only maps). Look here for more examples.

1. build a simple html-structure with embedded D3.js

Okay, let’s get started with D3.js. First we need an index.html. Create a new folder named “first_D3_webmap”. Here insert a new file called “index.html”. Now we embed the hosted D3.js-script and check in an example dataset out of the “NaturalEarth project” in the TopoJson-format. Afterwards we start to set up our map script (please read the comments between the lines):

Create the index.html
The tutorial steps 2 (data) and 3 (styling) are now included in the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<!-- Set a style for our worldshape-data -->
  path {
    stroke: red;
    stroke-width: 0.5px;
    fill: grey;

  <!-- implementation of the hosted D3- and TopoJson js-libraries -->
  <script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
  <script src="http://d3js.org/topojson.v0.min.js"></script>
  <!-- map creation --> 
  // canvas resolution
  var width = 1000,
      height = 600;

  // projection-settings for mercator    
  var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
      // where to center the map in degrees
      .center([0, 50 ])
      // zoomlevel
      // map-rotation

  // defines "svg" as data type and "make canvas" command
  var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
      .attr("width", width)
      .attr("height", height);

  // defines "path" as return of geographic features
  var path = d3.geo.path()

  // group the svg layers 
  var g = svg.append("g");

  // load data and display the map on the canvas with country geometries
  d3.json("world-110m.json", function(error, topology) {
        .data(topojson.object(topology, topology.objects.countries)
        .attr("d", path)

  // zoom and pan functionality
  /*var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
      .on("zoom",function() {
              .attr("d", path.projection(projection)); 



Further informations about the D3 Geo Projections API you can find here.

To test your code, you have to upload it to a webserver or to set up an local phyton http (very easy).
If you’re interesed in this tutorial project: get the data!

4.what’s next?

The upcoming D3 mapping tutorial will show you, how to deal with interaction on this testmap.

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Jérôme Alary
Jérôme Alary
10 years ago

Hi Jakob,
Sounds interesting. Seem’s step 2 and 3 are missing.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jérôme Alary

Hi @jrmealary:disqus, step 2 and three are included in 1.

10 years ago