Short announcement: CartoDB has some suprises

Dear fellows, the blog post from CartoDB was published two days ago but it is important for every GIS/webmapping person to know: Map views are not limited anymore for all CartoDB users. Here their sum-up statement:
Yep, you read that right: free and unlimited map views for all CartoDB accounts.
In the last years CartoDB was getting bigger and bigger and evolved from a nice and easy web interface for storing ad visualizing data on the map using a webmap to an international company with offices in Madrid, San Francisco and …. Berlin (?) and custom webmapping possibilities. Now they make the next big leap to attract interested people and smaller companies with their free webmap-view initiative which is an excellent move. Furthermore the community will like it as the free accounts might also use a lot more functionality from CartoDB as the key feature from CartoDB was the map-view. The map views were limited to 10.o00 views per month for the free account and increased to 800.000 views for the 8000$ Enterprise account. More mapviews started at 0.2$ per 1k views.
pricing cartodb
old pricing table on wayback machine
We’ve met with CartoDB at this years Intergeo and had a nice talk about webmapping functionality, geocoding and other stuff. With the new unlimited mapview the visual impact of CartoDB can be increased as some users will now work more with map views as they have done prior. This will definitely attract new customers and increase product receiption for all current and future customers. Our jobmap was also using CartoDB functionality but we never used the mapview due to the limitation and just relied on the API to get our GeoJSONS. Maybe we should check out the mapbuilder / mapview module once more 😉
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10 years ago

offices are in Madrid and NYC at the moment.