Let’s face it: being a geoscientist and writing code goes hand in hand in recent times. Most programs have their own code editor like MatLab with its m-file generator or R with its handy version of RStudio. But when it comes to webmapping and direct code writing in an open environment you are mostly sticked to a certain editor which has some syntax higlighting and maybe a syntax checker like Notepad++, kate, textwrangler or Sublime.
Now, take a seat, open your mouth and prepare to say:
Sublime is an editor for multiple platforms like Windows, Mac and Linux in flavours of 32 and 64bit. You can download and install it for free but it will keep asking for a purchase after a while. I’ve purchased it as it’s cool like hell. Let me convince you buy the following reasons:
- open a file process
Mostly when I need to open a file in an editor I always need to remember where my file was. Especially in a big folder/project structure. In Sublime you only need to press CTRL+P and it is possible to type part of a file name to open it and with#
to search within the file.
- block editing
Let’s assume you need you need to insert a text in 10 lines at once. Normally you will probably do a find and replace on a number of blanks or so but in Sublime you can easily add text to ten lines at once and even replace rectangular areas in your file. Especially in CSVs this can be extremely helpful. - the look
I really like the look of it. It reminds me a little bit of Emacs but it comes with an inbuild usability which is much better than the ultimate geekiness of Emacs.The editing screen of Sublime3 - the overview
When I am writing long code I often find myself orientating myself on structures and patterns that are very broad. So when it comes to finding a special place in the code it’s often scrolling around until I found the surrounding pattern by watching the code flowing over the screen. The minimized code view in the upper right corner in Sublime is somehow the ultimate feature to me!
nicht vergessen, dass es für sublime text auch einen starken paketmanager als plugin gibt, um weitere plugins nachzuladen … https://sublime.wbond.net/
[…] sublime text 3 (my favorite code editor although it’s not open source :p – look at Riccardos article to get more informations about that) – this tutorial is based on the codebase of d3noobs.com (see […]
tIs is possible to use Sublime with pygqis API?
Don’t think so!