Typically GIS and geodata nerds are male. Anyhow, 99.9 % of our contacts, freelancer sign ups, comment writers here on the blog are boys. But where are the…
One day last month, I came back to OpenStreetMap, to see how the city of Legnano (city of 60k people – near Milan – Italy) was mapped. I knew I…
In the past I’ve learned one thing: the only chance to do efficient geodata-projects is to have a clean data structure.
In this post I’ll show you some tools and share my thoughts about organizing (geo)data to have more efficient project-workflows. After that I would be very interested in your solutions and approaches to do smart data-projects.
The Australian government now provides a bunch of commercial and free geodata on their Australia Geoscience-Portal. Like the well known U.S. data provider Earth-Explorer, you can do a product…
Aalborg in Denmark will be a place to be in the middle of June as INSPIRE rocks the city. The initiative “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European…
Thanks to a comment on our facebook page: Due to the conflict in state finances in the U,S and A gesocientists are affected: data providers like the USGS…
Thanks to @seandebasti who enjoyed this year’s “Society of Cartographers Annual Conference” at Staffordshire University who send us a short link on Twitter. The link provides a huge…
In some countries, such as the USA and Spain, there is a very nice law that makes life easy for geoscientists. This law guarantees free access to a…