Sorry to talk about this important tool with a little delay. As I was lecturing at the university I was using the Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST) by NASA to collect my raster data and download them. It was a great tool but looked a little old. The biggest difference to services like or the SRTM Tile Grabber is, that most data was ordered and delivered by FTP. It was not a big deal as most data was available for free but I think for a lot of users this was not “convenient” enough…

Nevertheless Reverb- the new WIST- is still using this procedure which is fine for me. The interface looks like state-of-the-art, has a possibility to upload shapefiles for your area of interest and an interactive map to determine your area as well.
The search functions works in most cases and you can search for different instruments, processing levels or campaigns (like SRTM). For getting your data you need to add the needed graticules to your order and login with an account. This is not a big deal especially if you would like to download MODIS data for approx. 9 years which will increase your order to be several GB of data. Pulling this by ftp is much nicer than the download manager of the browser of your choice.
The big advantage is that you will get also non-standard data as Landsat scenes with high cloud coverage which could be still of interest for your certain lat-lon combination. You won’t find these graticules on landcover…
So enjoy the Reverb Website