Author: Riccardo

In 2008 I finished my degree in geography and mathematics at the FU Berlin in Berlin. After a short stay in science as a research assistant I am a project manager in the geo-industry.

googlemaps route in QGIS

Routing in QGIS … with Google

Routing in QGIS was, as far as I know, always dependent on an available network. Either you had some database which was pgrouting enabled, or you had some…
Attributes after shp creation from csv

CSV to SHP with Python

Python is a well established script language in the GIS/geodata world. And as a Facebook friend asked how to read csvs with Python I thought about “How to…
raster cheat sheet

Overview: R Cheat Sheets

Recently we had a discussion about where to find a nice cheat sheet (No! We are not talking about Simon the Sorcerer walk-throughs). Especially for scripting languages cheat…
map with D3

D3: My First Webmap

I always watched those stunning examples created with D3 by Mike Bostock, I liked Ralf’s blog posts here and I always thought to myself: get yourself together and…

Happy B-Day QGIS2leaf

When I started to work on QGIS2leaf about one year ago it was a nice idea and my first real dive into Python programming and using the possibilities…
vector field

How to create a wind map in QGIS

A few days ago I saw Franz Leonardo’s post on the ArcGIS group on facebook: He visualised wind speed and direction in ArcGIS for a wind map and…