How to build your own QGIS plugin
Since I’ve created the QGIS plugin qgis2leaf I was surprised how easy it is to create a plugin for QGIS. In this post I would like to show…
Since I’ve created the QGIS plugin qgis2leaf I was surprised how easy it is to create a plugin for QGIS. In this post I would like to show…
Let’s face it: being a geoscientist and writing code goes hand in hand in recent times. Most programs have their own code editor like MatLab with its m-file…
When working with GIS and statistical data there is an emerging need to know some scripting language. Python is one of the most widely used. It is not…
I love scripting languages like R, MatLab, Python and Javascript. They are easy to learn and also fast in showing your results. But when it comes to debugging…
The time when I studied Geography and Mathematics is long ago. So I chose Cartography as one major part of my studies and learned to draw circles and…
Since a while I am programming with the JavaScript library D3.js … and … I am addicted to it! As I would like to present some tutorials on…
Reading Geospatial Files In the last post in this thread I provided a bit of background and some simple instructions for installing python and the necessary modules for…
For my first post on digital-geography.com I wanted to begin a discussion on a topic I have strong feelings about, Python. A common question I get from students…
Due to an upcoming presentation about “what is R” and “what can I do with R” in my company I was playing around with GUIs as they are…
Python is a very common scripting language which seems like a swiss knife for programming. This is the reason to use it as a framework for the program…
Python is one of my favourite sripting languages as it is easy to learn and something like a swiss knife in programming to me. you can find a…