Search: “map or webmap”

We found 82 results for your search.

geothermal ireland real time map

MapServer needs your help

Folks, have you ever questioned yourself how to show a shapefile or your own geotiff on a webmap as a WMS or WFS? MapServer is one thing to…

a web-map with OpenLayers (part 3)

In the first two parts in our series on “getting to know openlayers” we concentrated on the question on layer consumption in form of basemaps and labels. We…

create a web-map: step 2 or DIY

Since we have managed to get a very simple web-map running on our website, it may be a need for some persons to distribute their own shapefiles using…

a minimal web-map using OpenLayers (part 1)

Web-mapping is used everywhere since GoogleMaps and GoogleEarth revolutionized our topographical and geographical perception. Keeping that in mind it is useful to get some insights in web-mapping possibilities.…

the housing marekt in Denmark as an animation

qgis2web in the wild

There are plenty of webmapping services out there. The best known might be mapbox, carto, arcgis online, google maps. But what they all share: they do not come…
qgis2web filters

QGIS2web with interactive filters

It’s been a while, since I last developed things for qgis2web. To be honest: I lost focus on the whole project after we decided to merge qgis2leaf with…