Category: QGIS

QGIS 2.10

Attention: QGIS 2.10 is coming!

Four months ago QGIS 2.8 was released. The Long Term Release will be suppported for the next 2 years. Besides this LTR version QGIS is updated in a…
OSM routing

Routing in QGIS… with OSM

Routing with Google is quite cool as the database/network is probably the best currently available. But the terms of services limit the possible usage. So what about OpenStreetMap?…
googlemaps route in QGIS

Routing in QGIS … with Google

Routing in QGIS was, as far as I know, always dependent on an available network. Either you had some database which was pgrouting enabled, or you had some…
vector field

How to create a wind map in QGIS

A few days ago I saw Franz Leonardo’s post on the ArcGIS group on facebook: He visualised wind speed and direction in ArcGIS for a wind map and…