Data analysis in the modern-day computing industry is of great essence as the world tries to understand the data that has been accumulated in many systems across the…
Coursera, hail to Coursera. Despite the uprising criticism on MOOCs and their footprint in the educational landscape at universities Coursera created an interesting R learning course. It is…
I love scripting languages like R, MatLab, Python and Javascript. They are easy to learn and also fast in showing your results. But when it comes to debugging…
SEXTANTE by Victor Olaya is a powerful plugin that bundles many methods and applications from QGIS in one place and provides a GUI for your processing work flow…
As i was preparing myself for getting funding for the trip to the R user conference this year in Albacete, Spain I was coming across a highlightning talk…
Due to an upcoming presentation about “what is R” and “what can I do with R” in my company I was playing around with GUIs as they are…
Thank’s to Andrej who wrote this comment: “Is it possible to to color the resulting 12 clusters within your original image to get a feel for visual separation?”…
The main question when using remote sensed raster data, as we do, is the question of NaN-treatment. Many R functions are able to use an option like rm.NaN=TRUE…
In my last post I was explaining the usage of QGis to do a layerstack of a Landsat-scene. Due to the fact that further research and trying out…