Tiled map layers are an important part of the digital mapping stack, since Google and others introduced their slippy maps quite some time ago. There’s a huge ecosystem…
I often find myself in a situation where I want to work with large areas and datasets of OpenStreetMap data. No matter if you want to use them…
Since most people working with digital-data they are always interested in obtaining their own data using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Therefore I’ll give a short introduction for all…
In a recent post I’ve described a way to geocode in a Google Spreadsheet quite easily. Now let’s move a little bit away from this crazy web 2.0…
OpenStreetMap ist ein wunderbares Projekt, dass ähnlich dem Wikipedia-Prinzip arbeitet und eine freie Weltkarte erstellen will. Damit ist das Projekt auch schon ganz gut fortgeschritten. Wer sich über…
For an upcoming project I was curious about visualizing a line layer using OpenLayers. Therefore I digitized a way with googlemaps. After creating a kml with “my places”…