We announced some surprises of CartoDB last week, especially that the map views are not anymore limited as well another post last month, that CartoDB opens some restrictions for usage in classrooms and universities as well. This could be very straight forward and promising for students as well for professors.

If you every wanted to try working with CartoDB which is going to be more userfriendly through the new announcement, here comes your chance for a first introduction.
Tomorrow, Thursday 20/11/2014 at 1PM EDT (time zone converter), The webinar was recorded and can be found here. CartoDB will give a webinar on “Get started using CartoDB” hosted by Miguel Arias. You can either participate using your computer microphone and speakers or by telephone dial to an US-number (they will inform you by email).
The webinar will introduce you to the editor und first visualization steps. In detail the following topics will be discussed:
- Importing your data and geocoding it
- Selecting a basemap and including text elements
- Designing your visualization: choosing a wizard and styling data
- Filtering data to analyze and understand
- Create maps with several layers
- Publishing and sharing your visualization
To attend in the webinar it’s important to register here to be provided with the accesslink.
Have fun with your first touches on CartoDB.