short announce: the new google maps – a comparison

The new google maps is now in sort of a Beta and availbale on invitation. Let me share some of the new features with you:

Here a short comparison: old (left) vs. new (right)
Here a short comparison: old (left) vs. new (right)

As you can see, you will have much more space available to see pictures on the map.
What I like most is the very reduced implementation of search results as they are shwon in the lower part of the map and you will not have thes ugly markers scattered all over the map anymore:

search results shown on map: old (left) vs. new (right) google maps
search results shown on map: old (left) vs. new (right) google maps

But let’s go a little further and have a look on the routing engine:
In the new google maps engine you will only get a short description of the route in the main window and you will be redirected to a website with more details about your desired route:

routing in google maps
routing in google maps old vs. new

Details in the next window:

detailed route in the new google maps
detailed route in the new google maps

Overall this new mapping portal is the consistent relaunch of google maps when looking on the look and feel of google+ or gmail. Well done so far!
Disadvantage: the new mapping engine can’t display hosted kml’s as it was possible using the search field in the old google maps… But they will cover this as well! NEvertheless the search takes too long at the moment:Oklahoma search

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