Quick QGIS Tips on YouTube

I’ve been experimenting with very short QGIS tips on YouTube, and if you like them I’ll continue to create them. They may or may not reveal something extraordinary, and if you have an idea of something worth creating a short video on, leave a comment or send me an e-mail, tweet, or whatever.

The clips will mostly not be more than 2 – 3 minutes long, even if I will create longer clips as well, but those will not be called “quick tips”.

You can check out the first ones in a playlist of mine: Link to YouTube

As an example I’ve also included one of the clips here below.

My interests vary and focus can quickly turn from one area to another. Right now I’ve found these short videos interesting and I will most likely create some more. If you encourage me there may be a lot more, otherwise my focus will likely shift towards something new in a not so distant future. But for now I think this is fun!

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Allan Lopez
Allan Lopez
9 years ago

Please, continue !! Non Stop !!. Christmas Blessings !!!. Allan López

Jason Lampel
9 years ago

Yup, would like to see more, thanks for putting this together! Any tips on integrating QGIS with CartoCSS for use in CartoDB would be greatly appreciated.

Klas Karlsson
9 years ago
Reply to  Jason Lampel

I don’t use CartoDB my self! Have you tried https://github.com/gkudos/qgis-cartodb?

Jason Lampel
9 years ago
Reply to  Klas Karlsson

I have, and it works great for viewing but I haven’t tried it for editing yet (not sure free CartoDB accounts support that). Still looking for good CartoCSS options, but thanks for the tip!