In the past I’ve learned one thing: the only chance to do efficient geodata-projects is to have a clean data structure.
In this post I’ll show you some tools and share my thoughts about organizing (geo)data to have more efficient project-workflows. After that I would be very interested in your solutions and approaches to do smart data-projects.
OpenStreetmap is the fastest growing community mapping project of all times. Beside the “normal” map result, what you can use for your daily navigation through cities and countries…
HeidiSQL, a free database-client, now supports PostgreSQL/PostGIS in the newest nightly builds. Using HeidiSQL with MySQL was always a pleasure and I often had the feeling that the…
A short time ago I’ve posted an article on the installation of QGIS in combination with a PostGIS database in the background. As we all know, Windows is…
A lot of you out there are probably working on Windows Systems using ArcGIS and I have to admit that the possibilities with ArcINFO in the background and…