Preparation: The App Registration
Once you have a developer account enabled, you should register a new app which is needed for getting the tokens for your queries. As said, it is a bit more complicated compared to Here with their api-keys.Yet the developer account is packed with 50 credits per month. But what the heck are those credits worth? To bring it into perspective there is a nice listing on the pricing page of Esri’s developer program:
- calculating 10.000 simple routes
- or 100 service areas
- or storing approx. 200mb of feature services online
- …

The Script for Isochrones
There is a short example regarding the token mechanism on the dev pages. Here a bit cleaned up:import requests url = "" payload = "expiration=20160&client_id=YOUR_FANCY_client_ID&client_secret=YOUR_FANCY_client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials" headers = { 'content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'accept': "application/json", } response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) token = response.json()["access_token"] print(token)As we do have the token, we can get the Service Area for Berlin:
url = ",52.520008&defaultBreaks=20&outSR=4326&f=pjson&token=" + token response = requests.request("GET", url) coordinates = response.json()["saPolygons"]["features"][0]["geometry"]["rings"][0]As you can see in the last line I am only accessing one polygon (I am not taken any rings as I am just interested in the 20min isochrone). The API gives you plenty of custom parameters for the service area and also offers a result in the spatial reference of your choice. So no fancy reprojecting needed. Unfortunately the response is not a straightforward geojson but more an arcgis json. Take this into account when you’re thinking about saving the results (which might not be allowed with a non-paid developer account). For the time being, I am only adding the result as a memory layer:
QgsVertices = [] for pair in coordinates: QgsVertices.append(QgsPointXY(pair[0],pair[1])) geom = QgsGeometry.fromPolygonXY([QgsVertices]) layer = QgsVectorLayer('Polygon?crs=epsg:4326', 'Service Area 20min' , 'memory') feat = QgsFeature() feat.setGeometry(geom) prov = layer.dataProvider() prov.addFeatures([feat]) layer.updateExtents() # Add the layer to the Layers panel QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer)And bamm: there it is! Esri isochrones in QGIS. Will I go to hell for this? maybe…