Thanks to Nathan, Anita Graser and Tim Sutton, who already wrote about new features of the new QGis-Release 2.0. The release date isn’t published yet, but we think it should be in the next months.
In this article I will list some awesome new features, that will push QGis on a new level if professionality.
- really extended composer functions to design your map-results
- Atlas integration
- improved python console
- implementation of sextante
- form related features
More informations about that point you will find on Nathans QGis blog.
Anita Graser already described some of the new composer features:
– Rulers and alignments
– Map grids
– HTML labels
– Overview Maps
– Multi-column legends
and more…
I’m looking forward to install QGis 2.0 and show you some of these new functions on