Category: Uncategorized

Maps in Games: Battlefield 4 und Mapbox

Wer kennt das nicht: nach stressigen Arbeitstagen einfach mal abschalten und sich der elektronischen Unterhaltungsindustrie hingeben. Nichtsahnend startete ich gestern, pünktlich zum Launch, den neuen Actiontitel “Battlefield 4”…

piksi from kickstarter

Piksi or how to be exact with low costs

So many of you probably know that there are some pretty amazing social crowdfunding projects hosted on kickstarter, startnext or indiegogo and we also started one campaign that…

Digital Geomorphology

Maps are still the main technique to show geomorphological surfaces on different spatial scales. Step by step new technologies try to improve this approach. In this german article…

startnext: QGIS video tutor

QGIS needs video tutorials to enable users to solve their problems with open source GIS. Please support my project qgis video tutor on startnext!

testing a new OS

every change on a working machine like your loved PC is more or less connected to loosing everything. But there may be the need for a new, improved…

LTE: Link to Earth OS

LTE is the new OS available in a beta version for all geoscientists and interested fellows. But stay calm… There is a huge need for scientists, students and…