Author: Jakob

Since 2007 I'm focused on Geography, GIS and remote sensing issues. In 2011 I founded, a german language geoblog. 2012 the blog was merged with and now contains bilingual content. With new ideas and impetus I try to combine GIS-stuff with originary geographic thoughts, also in business projects.

Maps in Games: Battlefield 4 und Mapbox

Wer kennt das nicht: nach stressigen Arbeitstagen einfach mal abschalten und sich der elektronischen Unterhaltungsindustrie hingeben. Nichtsahnend startete ich gestern, pünktlich zum Launch, den neuen Actiontitel “Battlefield 4”…

Digital Geomorphology

Maps are still the main technique to show geomorphological surfaces on different spatial scales. Step by step new technologies try to improve this approach. In this german article…